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About the IACBE
作者:商学院编辑:李悦 审核:初审:李悦 复审:李悦 终审:李梦丹 时间:2024/6/18 11:40:41 浏览:320

A Brief History of the IACBE

The International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), formerly the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, was founded in 1997 in response to the expressed needs of higher education administrators, business program leaders and faculty who wanted an accreditation process that was mission-driven and outcomes-based. Since that time, the IACBE has grown into the leading outcomes-based professional accreditation agency for business and management education in colleges and universities whose primary purpose is excellence in teaching and learning. The IACBE has hundreds of member institutions with campuses worldwide, and has accredited thousands of business and business-related programs worldwide. Significant recent milestones include:
2011 (January), the Board of Directors of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) granted recognition to the IACBE
2016, the IACBE membership approved extending accreditation to associate degree business programs offered by community colleges and other two-year institutions
2016, the first institutions with IACBE accredited business programs earned special accounting accreditation for their accounting programs
2017, the IACBE held its 20th anniversary celebration at the annual conference in San Francisco
2017, the IACBE changed its name to the International Accreditation Council for Business Education to more accurately reflect its accreditation services
2019, the CHEA Committee on Recognition approved a change to the scope statement that added accounting programs and removed the statement that excluded institutions of higher education that offer only associate degrees in business from the IACBE’s approved scope.

2021,CHEA reaffirmed recognition of IACBE’s scope of accreditation for an additional seven year period.

